1. Content Creation

Writing is in my ADN. I write to exist and exist to write đ
Even though I love writing â€, I particularly love writing about Africa. As an Afropolitan, promoting and branding Africa is essential to me. So, Iâm the right person to contact if you have writing projects in the field of:
- Education. Technology. Gamification.
- Civil society (social movement, African philanthropy, civic space, Social innovations etc.)
- Publishing & children literature.
As your content creator, I will ensure you have lots of high-quality content that’s built around your brand. I have published over 200 highly acclaimed articles. Kindly read some on my blog here and you can access my research profiles and publications here:
- 5 Minutes of Science: https://5minofscience.com/members/elongue/
- Academia.edu: http://usenghor-francophonie.academia.edu/ElongueCedric
- Research Gate : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ngnaoussi_Elongue_Cedric_Christian
2. Development Researcher
I am an independent researcher in the international development sector with a special focus on West Africa. I specialized on:
- Civil society sustainability
- Technology for development
- Social movement and civic space
Donât hesitate to contact me for literature reviews, Systematic Reviews, Case Studies development.
Some publications are I authored or contributed to are below:
- Guidebook on Alternative Funding Models for Civil Society Organisations in Africa, Innovation 4 Change & WACSI, 2019.
- Advancing The Financial Sustainability of Civil Society in Africa, coauthored with Charles VanDyck, WACSI
- 7 Feasible Ways to Expand Civic Space in West Africa in 2020, coauthored with Charles Vandyck, WACSI
- Exploring Faith-based Giving as an Alternative Funding Model for CSOs,
- Social Accountability Guidebook (2nd Edition)
- Social Movement: A Vital Instrument for Social Accountability in Africa
- Enhancing Digital Security Awareness for CSOs in Africa
- Strengthening Stakeholdersâ Collaboration to Expand Civic Space in West Africa
- Social Movements and Social change in Africa
3. Communication
As a communication professional with over 7 years experiences, I understand the art of branding, publicity, and new product development. Also have a teaching career that spans from the secondary to university level. Since qualifying in 2013 from the WDI-World Debate Institute (USA), I have worked with several managers in Africa and Europe, helping them to communicate more effectively, and tailored workshops around their needs. Iâm also the chairperson of the International Network for the Promotion of Arts of Speech in Africa where Iâm working and building communication capacity within local, national and international non-profit organizations.
I have worked in research or communications with:
- Moremi Initiative for Womenâs Leadership in Africa
- Rainbow Consult
- Leti Arts,
- National Library of France
- West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI)
- Senghor Forensics Society (SFS), Egypt.
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