Civil Society

Reflections on 2021 Africa Human Rights Day

The 2021 Africa Human Rights Day is celebrated amidst the global COVID19 pandemic. The experience of many people across the continent also shows that COVID19 has brought a huge human and peoples’ rights consequences. The pandemic has highlighted the pervasiveness of the socio-economic deprivations affecting the masses of our people. We have come to realize that under such conditions of deep structural weaknesses of our societies, the most widely used public health response measures could not be effectively implemented, without leaving the most vulnerable from the scope of these protection measures. How can someone with no access to drinking water comply with the public health call for handwashing? How can someone with no shelter comply with the public health requirement of staying at home?This year’s commemoration of Africa Human Rights Day organised by Human Rights Priority by the executive Director Miguele Houeto and her entire team (Achille Fatondji, Jaly Badiane etc.), is an important occasion to reflect on these and related issues. It presents us the opportunity to show not only why COVID19 is also essentially a human rights issue but also why human and peoples’ rights are the foundation for achieving the ideal of Agenda 2063 and the sustainable development goals of ‘leaving no one behind’

#CamerounIaiserie : Le choc émotionnel quand tu réalises que ton pays avance à reculons…

Attention ! Je n’ai pas dit #Camerounaiserie, qui est un concept porté par Ecclésiaste Deudjui d’Achouka Mondoblog. J’ai dit #CamerounIaiserie. Il y’a la lettre « i » qui fait la différence entre les deux. Pour court-circuiter votre curiosité, sachez que j’utilise ce néologisme tout simplement pour renvoyer à mes pérégrinations, périples et péripéties de voyage au Cameroun, le pays des lions (in)domptables qui est désormais le théâtre de plusieurs niaiseries. Après près de 4 années d’absence, pour des raisons académiques et professionnelles, j’ai enfin refoulé le sol du Camer. Déjà que mon voyage retour à travers ASKY n’a pas été facile, je me consolais avec les beaux souvenirs que j’avais gardés du pays, lors de mon dernier séjour. En effet, j’avais laissé un Cameroun corrompu mais vivant, un Système qui essayait tant bien que mal de survivre. Mais à mon retour, de l’aéroport à mon domicile, j’ai été totalement déphasé (1), dépaysé (2), déboussolé (3), désemparé (4), dépassé (5), désenchanté (6) et désillusionné (7) par ce que je voyais, touchais, entendais, sentais et goutais.

Pourquoi ASKY Airlines est une compagnie aérienne à éviter ?

En tant qu’afropolitain, je n’ai jamais écrit d’articles avec une orientation péjorative sur une entreprise africaine. Mais il y’a des expériences qui ne doivent pas être silencées si l’on veut avancer dans ce continent. ASKY a adopté une stratégie de clôture rapide des embarquements afin que beaucoup de passagers puissent rater leur vol et ainsi payer les frais de pénalités. Cela m’est arrivé à deux reprises et je partage mon expérience et des recommendations pour une meilleure qualité des services de cette compagnie aérienne.

My propositions to better the Arab and African Youth Platform of the World Youth Forum

The World Youth Forum (WYF), which was opened by President Abdel Fattah El Sisi in Aswan on Saturday 16 March 2019, conveys the civilized image of Egypt and reflects its keenness on spreading peace. The WYF mirrors the civilization, security and stability in Egypt. It’s also a cultural diplomacy tool as it brings youths from all over the world to meet their Egyptian counterparts. After attending the Forum, here are some observations and propositions for the organising committee to improve the planning and implementation of this program to make it more successful and impactful.

An overview on the state of implementation of Anti-corruption policies in Ghana

On 5th December 2018, Christian Elongue attended a workshop organised by Ghana Integrity Initiative (GII) to enhance knowledge and awareness on the Africa Union Convention on Preventing and Combatting Corruption (AUCPCC). The programme brought together 29 civil society and media practitioners who learned and interacted on their role in ensuring that Ghana meets its obligations in relation to the AUCPCC.

Kofi Annan: a great Afropolitan changemaker, servant leader and tireless peacemaker.

Annan was widely recognized as one who advanced the African agenda greatly during his tenure at the United Nations. Many have lauded his significant contributions to the humanitarian and development issues in Africa, not just through the United Nations but through his work at the Mo Ibrahim Foundation and the Africa Progress Panel, which advocates at the highest level for equitable and sustainable development in Africa.He will be remembered for his remarkable achievements in ensuring and contributing to the stability of democratic governments across Africa. But also as a Pan-Africanist leader and extraordinaire diplomat genuinely committed to serve the world. He was humanity’s best example of human decency and grace. In a world now filled with leaders who are anything but that, our loss, the world’s loss becomes even more painful. Taking the leadership rope today as the young Generation of Africa, I see difficult days ahead. However, I shall take lessons from history, inspiration from him and try to do a better job.

Rest in peace, Kofi Annan the Afropolitan.

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