Ngnaoussi Elongue

Global citizenship education as a solution to cultural difference

I strongly believe that it is difference that makes the beautifulness of the world because our identities are entirely made up of relations. Woven into other contributions, nourished by various worlds, born of unforeseen encounters: diversity is what we have in common. Our humanity is first and foremost a plurality. We are made by the world that we make, that we mix with, modelled by what comes from afar, crosses our paths and carries us forward. That’s why, I am engaged in the promotion of Art of Speech through debate and leadership training that I think is a tool to promote tolerance, emotional intelligence and critical thinking amongst youth. I think no matter how complex global challenges may seem, we must remember that it is we ourselves who have given rise to them. It is therefore impossible that they are beyond our power as human beings to resolve. Returning to our humanity, reforming and opening up the inner capacities of our lives can enable reform and empowerment on a global scale.

GCED_Afropolitanis_Christian Elongue

What is Global Citizenship Education ?

With Globalization, our actions are no more having just a national or regional impact. We are now living in a global village where we have responsibilities to everyone. We must be belonging to a broader community and common humanity. GCE develops that global consciousness and competencies that will enable us to understand and resolve global issues in our sociocultural, environmental and economic environment. The great aim of education is not knowledge but action, then GCE allows learners to act effectively and responsibly at local, national and global levels for a more peaceful, inclusive and sustainable world.

Afropolitanis_Christian Elongue

The Biggest Challenge in Cameroon

One of the most pressing short-term and indeed long-term challenges in my country is youth unemployment. The Global Employment Trends for Youth 2015 revealed that 73.4 million youth were unemployed in 2015. The National Institute of Statistic sorted that the youth unemployment rate is 30%. 90% of youth are working in the informal sector and 75.8% of workers are underemployed, earning less than 23000 FCFA/month. Why? Lack of managerial expertise and capital, weakness of the cultural entrepreneurship, lack of a real national youth policy, the poor adaptability of vocational training institutions and corruption are the main causes.