My Tribute to Kofi Annan_Afropolitanis

Kofi Annan: a great Afropolitan changemaker, servant leader and tireless peacemaker.

Annan was widely recognized as one who advanced the African agenda greatly during his tenure at the United Nations. Many have lauded his significant contributions to the humanitarian and development issues in Africa, not just through the United Nations but through his work at the Mo Ibrahim Foundation and the Africa Progress Panel, which advocates at the highest level for equitable and sustainable development in Africa.He will be remembered for his remarkable achievements in ensuring and contributing to the stability of democratic governments across Africa. But also as a Pan-Africanist leader and extraordinaire diplomat genuinely committed to serve the world. He was humanity’s best example of human decency and grace. In a world now filled with leaders who are anything but that, our loss, the world’s loss becomes even more painful. Taking the leadership rope today as the young Generation of Africa, I see difficult days ahead. However, I shall take lessons from history, inspiration from him and try to do a better job.

Rest in peace, Kofi Annan the Afropolitan.

Cypriano Lawson_Jean Paul_Leader_Serviteur

A la rencontre de Jean Paul Lawson, un leader au service des autres

Jean Paul Lawson est un jeune béninois de 27 ans (et 6 jours) ayant une identité afropolitaine mais s’autoproclame « Citoyen du monde et des Cultures ». Il passionné par les technologies numériques, les voyages, l’écriture et surtout la gastronomie. Il fut un boursier en Gestion du Patrimoine Culturel de l’Université Senghor d’Alexandrie, où il a été respectivement Délégué de filière puis Président du Bureau des Etudiants (BEUS). Des fonctions bénévoles qu’il a pu gérer avec maestria et au travers desquelles on a découvert son charisme en tant que « servant-leader » et sa volonté à toujours mettre les intérêts collectifs avant les siens. Même lorsque l’on s’y attend le moins.